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I have the same Could not find a top-level .pdx file. issue with the current file.

Fixed! Looks like my build process was broken. Thanks for letting me know. The new version should work great.

Hey, super excited about this. But I just tried to sideload it and the website says it can't find the top level PDX.

(1 edit)

Sorry about that! Can you try again now with the new file?

That worked! I'll check it out this afternoon!

Thanks James! I'm open to any feedback :)


I played a few rounds, you've got a good thing going here. High score so far is 68. Happy to test any and all builds going forward haha. I feel like most of what I have to say is pretty obvious stuff at this point, like weapon and movement bonuses for killing enemies, specific goals and achievements, characters with different skillsets, pretty classic stuff for this kind of game. It's already off to a pretty strong start though!